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Covid Policies

The Covid-19 Pandemic has brought many challenges and opportunities to North Bay Theatrics. Thank you for working with us to support the health and safety of our students, staff, and audience. 

The safety of your child and the safety of our staff is paramount in importance to us here at North Bay Theatrics. We follow all recommended and mandated COVID-19 regulations set forth by the County and State. 

As we return to live theatre, protecting the health and safety of our students, staff and community overall, is of upmost importance to NBT. We plan to follow the strictest recommendations and COVID-19 safety protocols as laid out by the State of California and the CDC.
  • In the studio space- all students, staff and community members will be required to wear a mask over the mouth and nose. For the comfort of our students and to allow for mask breaks, we will hold socially distanced rehearsals outdoors whenever possible. Snack and water breaks will also occur outdoors whenever possible. 
  • We will continue our strict policy of taking temperatures of students and staff upon arrival to rehearsal and previous signed waivers of reporting illness are in effect. Zoom and recorded rehearsals will be made available to students unable to attend due to illness or potential Covid 19 exposure. Communal spaces will be cleaned and sanitized thoroughly between rehearsals. 
Live Performances-

At this time, California and CDC guidelines allow live theatre performances at 100% capacity, as such we will allow for 100% capacity at our performance, unless the building contract permits us from doing so.
Please note the following before purchasing your tickets:
  • We are requiring that all patrons who purchase a ticket to be vaccinated or show proof of a negative PCR test taken within 72hrs of attending a live indoor performance. This rule applies to ALL audience members above 12 years of age. If you are not vaccinated or unable to obtain a negative test, we will have video streaming available for you to watch.
  • We respectfully request that all members of our audience wear face masks while in the theatre to ensure the safety and peace of mind of all in attendance. Outdoors space for eating or drinking, along with concessions will be provided outside before the performance starts and during intermission.
  • As of right now our students will likely be masked during performance but we are seeking clear masks. We will also be reducing the intensity of choreography for the comfort and safety of our mask wearing students. 
  • For your safety and comfort, NBT affirms that:
  • 100% of our staff have been fully vaccinated and are healthy. Staff will remain at home if experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, cold, flu or other illness.
  • We have added the use of air purifiers to improve ventilation and COVID-19 protection.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available throughout studio area and in any performance spaced used by NBT.
  • Face masks will be available for anyone who needs them.
  • As safety protocols change, we will adjust our policies and procedures accordingly.

North Bay Theatrics COVID-19 Student Assessment Checklist

Purpose: Based on various state health orders, all students, on a daily basis, are to be screened for signs of respiratory illness accompanied by fever PRIOR to coming to class. 
Instructions: Complete this assessment for each student in your household prior to them coming to class on the first day (temperatures will be checked before the start of each class. 
  1. Contact your doctor if anyone in your household has the following severe symptoms. 
    • Trouble breathing 
    • Persistent pain or pressure in chest 
    • New confusion or inability to stay awake 
    • Blue lips or face
This is not a complete list. If you think you are experiencing a medical emergency, call your Provider immediately or call 911.
  1. In the last 24 hours has the student been in contact with anyone with a known case of COVID-19 virus?
    ❏ YES ❏ NO
  2. If yes, do not attend class and contact your medical provider 

  3.  Has the student had any of the following symptoms?
❏ Any symptoms experienced have been cleared by our primary care provider
❏ Cough
❏ Fever (Temperature above 100.0°F)
❏ Chills
❏ Sore Throat
❏ Feeling achy
❏ Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing
❏ Nausea or vomiting
❏ Unusual or new headache in last 24 hours
❏ Diarrhea
❏ Loss of taste or smell
❏ Tingling or numbness
❏ None of the above
If YES to ANY, students should not report to class and should consult their medical provider.


North Bay Theatrics is a 501-c3 Tax Exempt Organization ID # 87-2559637.


At North Bay Theatrics our mission is to provide a safe and inclusive environment that is accessible to all young people; where we create leadership opportunities and foster relationships so all individuals can build confidence while having fun, being themselves, and instilling a sense of value through the performing arts.





Sonoma County Location

216 E. School St. Cotati, CA

Marin County Location

72 Kensington Rd. San Anselmo, CA 


© 2024 by North Bay Theatrics Inc.

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